July 22, 2009

How USeP can help..

My dream job is to become a game developer in the near future. As I have described in my older post, what a game developer does, a game developer is the one who develop games, which will need a vast knowledge in programming, graphics design and a very wide imagination. While developing a game, you will be on a team, so good skills in communication and management is also needed. Another factor you should have is to have a very long patience, which may be equal to infinity or more than that, because developing a game is a never ending scheme. In the sense that once the game has been released, players or gamers will always find ways to cheat on the game, which is technically called bugs. This is another job for a game developer, to remove bugs and modify the game, which I find interesting and challenging.

So, how will the university help me reach this dream?

I still am currently studying at the University of Southeastern Philippines, which means my dream is still under construction. I find school as the foundation of the building I'm trying to pursue and build, thus a good school will be a good way to start a high and stable building.

The school has been a good help to me for the past two years, that may range from telling me what IT really means and what should IT graduates become in the future.

Honestly, when I graduated from high school, I have no idea what course to take.

First on the list was, nursing. That time Bachelor of Science in Nursing was very demanding, almost half of my high school classmates took up the course, but I was never really attracted to nursing. It's not because I don't like blood and flesh or something like that, its just that I don't like memorizing words and medical terms. I know I'm being foolish but it was really the true reason.

Second was, HRM (Hotel and Restaurant Management), simply because I'm a noob when it comes to cooking, so I would like to take up HRM major in culinary arts. But, I was not able to take the course, because I have to do some sacrificing for my older sister's studies (Oh! I'm such a loving sister).

Then, there came a friend of my father, one of our customer really, Gaga was studying in USeP. When she heard of the situation, she told my parents to send me to USeP and apply for a scholarship, so I would never have to stop my study. Well, thanks to her, I was able to continue studying. So, its time to choose my course, she has provided me list of offered courses. I didn't choose Engineering, because I find five years very long, not Education because I have low confidence, same reason for courses in College of Art and Sciences. So I have Institute of Computing (IC), nice name for a college department. There listed Computer Science and Information Technology, then my father suggested to take Information Technology. So there I go, I took up BSIT. While filling in a form, I remember her(Gaga) asking my mother, "Hawd man kaya siya'g math?"(Is she good in mathematics?). That confused me once, but I just ignored that.So when I passed the entrance exam, I have to pass another exam again, this time its oral, an one on one interview with a faculty member from IC (wah!!).

Outside the faculty room, there are two people there, I guess they're from IC, they asked what course I will take, then I answered IT. I was ,again, confused with their reaction (What's with IT?).

On the interview, I can only remember one question:

Interviewer: "Why took up Information Technology?"
Me: Because I want to be a Computer Programmer (wahaha).

Luckily, I passed the very last exam. So, I am an official USePian slash ICean now. Then, I've learned that the sum of the reasons why I didn't took up the other courses was in IT. IT in USeP might took you five or more years to finish it and I would have to let go of my low self-confidence, which I found good for me.

The teachers were good at there areas and I really have nothing against them. They taught well and when you passed their subjects you'll feel very deserving, because it's not easy to pass subject from teachers who doesn't like to teach on a crowded classroom (if you know what I mean). A high quality education that is. Press the students so that they will learn to take out their real potential.

The only thing that the university lacks, in my opinion, is its facilities. I mean, the university should provide us, students, a good learning environment and tools, which may be one or all of the following:

Classrooms please!! T.T
In IC, especially, the department has only two classrooms, which does not have a good ventilation, because of lack of electric fans, fans that won't even work. A very hot environment while studying is a bit hard for us, as students.

Water fountain please!! "o"
As from what we all know, water is the most essential mineral a human needs. The two rooms I'm telling was on the fifth floor, and when you reach that, you'll get very tired and thirsty, so why not provide another drinking fountain. I've also found out that there were only four water fountains, all in all, in the whole university.

Computers on the Lab
The computer lab was quite fine, there's air conditioner and some computers work but some don't. As a solution, some of my classmates will decide to bring their laptops or notebooks, so that they would never have to use one of the working computers so, other students can use it. Now, the problem is, the university prohibits the students to plug their portable computers on the universities power line.

WiFi passwords
I was quite surprised, when an engineering student asked me if I knew what's the password for the university's WiFi. Why password/s are secrets? A WiFi should be open for all of the university's student. If the university would just limit the people who access' the internet through WiFi, why establish a WiFi zone then? It's just a waste of money when only few are able to benifit from it.

I don't know what to call this last issue I have, so I better tell you the situation. I remember when I was still a first year student, I am sitting directly under a flourescent light, suddenly the flourescent started making noise, which sounds like strong voltage of electricity got into it. Then, it started making unnecessary light then it turns off. I felt safe when it didn't blow up. Another situation like this one is, smell of burning wires on the computer laboratory, particularly, Lab 1. There's no smoke but just smell of burning material, which I think is very dangerous.

So, thats all for my concerns about the university, on how will it be able to help me reach my dreams and be on top of it. It's all about facilities, good facilities and a good learning environment.

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